Trip to Winnipeg

Last year I fell in love in Canada. This year I couldn’t go bike touring as I was focused on more serious things like job searching and taking care of my permanent status in Canada…I am so excited to become Canadian 🙂 Anyways, I didn’t stop exploring. I flew to Winnipeg for one week. I have heard that it is a pretty boring city. I checked this out and in my opinion is a fantastic place. A small city with a nostalgic character must be charming for the living. Warehouses converted to shops and restaurants as well as post-industrial, hand painted ghost signs create a unique climate of this place. Museum of Human Rights with unparallel architecture is one of the most significant sightseeing. The most interesting exhibition concerns Canadian history and is shocking for many people – worth to see. I am not a big fun of ZOO, but in Winnipeg, you can admire fluffy polar bears while walking in the glass tunnel – definitely worth to do it!


Finally, after such a long time, I decided to write about this. It is not an easy thing, but in my opinion,  it is essential to share my feelings with you.

The question I heard many times: Why are you doing this? Why are you biking so many kilometres alone? Aren’t you scared??

I found out that answering this question is pretty tough for me…

At first, it pushed me to think about this deeply. At second, I realised that it is difficult to speak it out loud and at third, I understood that the reason I did this could inspire people to change their lives.

So, why?

I remember this moment just perfectly! It was an afternoon, and I was a bit sad..staring at my computer…Why? I wanted to go for this long touring bike trip with my ex-boyfriend, that time friend (yeah everyone knows it is weird), but he didn’t agree as he wanted to challenge himself and push more during the rides. Anyways, I felt sad. I wanted to bike more and to bike to Prince Edward Island to see Anna’s Green Gable House. I felt that now I can not do this.

It sounds silly, but it was a spark, just one fantastic thought which suddenly came to my mind and changed everything…

“You can do this by yourself, and you don’t need anyone!”

Although, a first glance, it seems to be simple, silly, easy…when you start thinking deeply…it is not. Well, there is a deep bottom of this sentence, which might be hard to catch up.

At this particular moment, I realised how much I relied on other people in my life. How many times I was willing to do something, and I didn’t because there was nobody with whom I could do it. Nowadays it is a sad thing, but at that time I didn’t think about that at all.

Moreover, I had no idea how common this problem is until I went to some out-topic networking meeting and I told this story to another girl. It was this weird exercises that they ask you to speak about your hobbies…somehow…I opened myself, and I briefly described my story. I was shocked by women reaction. They felt inspired and wanted to take action, get rid of traps…

That was a blast.

It looks like a typical women problem regardless of nationality: Polish, Canadian or others. It is hard to believe. Such a huge culture difference…and the same issues.

Let’s go back to the topic. At this afternoon I found out that I can do everything I want, just everything. I can do it by myself, or I can find strangers to join if this is necessary.

This one particular moment changed my life. I decided to go on a bike trip to PEI by myself. Immediately I bought a new bike and started planning. It was a middle of June, I had around one month which is a little time to collect equipment and blueprint a trip, but I made it.

Wasn’t it scary? It was! Of course, it was! I didn’t know what I was doing even though I biked many kilometres that year.

The first night at the campsite?  I was shaking and talking to my little toy, MinionJ. That doesn’t sound normal at all. What’s more, for a couple of first days my socks stunk like crazy. It never happens before. It was just stress and went away after a few days of biking.

Although I had great support from my family and friends, it was as though, mentally and physically. What was the rice I got?

Every incredible, breathtaking view behind the corner: amazing, unreplaceable feeling and every sunset I saw. These are my prizes an also this small thought which is sitting inside me now: I can do what I want! I can do this!


Day 5: Annie Campsite to Causapscal


The most difficult day started very nice 🙂 I have to admit that temperature comfort was much better than in the previous day. It was around 13 C 😉 I packed my staff quickly, had a nice talk with a young mum (in a washroom 😉 who used to bike touring before having kids. I made a delicious coffee and run quickly to the beach to see the sunrise. I spent a couple minute delighting in the morning and pictures view.


But no time to waste, the road is calling…I jumped on my bike and start pedaling…it was foggy and heavy clouds were just waiting to release water. I made a short break at a gas station. I bought some candies and snacks to refill my fuel. At this point, I left a busy highway leading to Gaspe Penisula, thinking that I left hills behind…I was wrong 😛 Suddenly, out of the blue I faced the first hill…stopped..took of a few layers of my clothing hoping that it is the only one, so terribly steep hill on my way…but it was just the first of maaannnyyy :))


Alone in the middle of nowhere…foreign country…just a forest and you, sometimes you can only hear a chainsaw and see crazy log trucks rushing without any cares. It can be scary. How to survive? The is only one method. Don’t think! Enjoy, even when is hard. Turn on your radio and pedal harder.


Why? Because there is a small secret: after every uphill is a downhill (remember about having good breaks) and the most important for me…incredible, breathtaking views, which appear around the corner or on the top of the hill. It is worth to do all this effort in order to see it an be so close to nature. It is an unforgettable feeling.

Overall I was strong! I didn’t cry…but only at the begging 🙂 oh but everyone cries!


The road quality was pretty bad so I took a few breaks to rest and play with Minion – a good excuse to make a break 😛

I started crying at the end of the day though! When my energy evaporated due to lack of calories what I figured out after dinner. I just stopped and couldn’t go farther I could only cry..seeing that I missed the campsite…


Finally, I reached Causapascal very well known from salomon fishing. I met a guy from the local museum who told me a few words about this place. I was nice to talk to someone. More information:

When I found the campsite, I was exhausted, my brain was working really slow and it took me about one hour to choose a spot! I stayed at a tiny river which was lovely and scary the same time. They told me that there only rabbits, no bears, so I could sleep tightly. I remember that morning was freezing cold, around 6C.

I made 92 km being disappointed that I couldn’t do more. Today I think it was a lot, I had a knee pain, my bike was nonprepared for hills and I should be happy and proud of myself that I did it.


I have to mention that I had a great support from my family and friends who track my ride every day and sent me nice messages (possible due to Garmin live track feature). Thanks a lot for that!!! It was unexpected and I loved it. It gave me strength and faith.



Recently, I’ve visited a gorgeous park in Gatineau, prepared especially for Canada 150! It is a park full of sculptures covered by alive plants and flowers presenting Canadian symbols and history. People spent more than 3 months on building them. It is a real art connect with music and water. The similar thing you can see in Botanical Garden in Montreal. To get to the park you had to wait in a very long line, as it is a popular place for families, but for sure it is worth it 🙂 What’s more, I met there Anne of Green Gables!

Niedawno odwiedzialam niesamowity park przygotowany w Gatineu w tym roku z okzaji 150 lecia zjednoczenia Kanady. Jest to zbior niesamowitch rzezb, pokrytych zywymi roslinami i kwiatami, przedstawiajacych kanadyjskie symbole i historie. Niezwykle dzielo sztuki polaczone z muzyka i wodospadami. Podobne rzezby mozna ogladac co roku w Ogrodzie Botanicznym w Montrealu.  Do praku przychodza cale rodzi i ogromna liczba ludzi, totez trzeba odstac swoje w kolejce do wejscia, ale na pewno warto! Spotkalam  tam Anie z Zielonego Wzgorza!

Here, in the short movie, you can see how sculptures are creating:

W ponizszym filmiku mozecie obejrzec jak powstaja takie rzezby:

Day 4: Trois-Pistoles to Annie Campsite


I started my day before a sunrise…8 C degree made the sleep impossible…going out of the tent even worst idea. What did I do? I found a nice warm corner at a campsite washroom 🙂 and spent there more than one hour searching for a place to stay over the next night. I was so scared of spending another cold night in a tent! Definitely being cold and tired caused foggy thinking. The sun came up…I had a nice, hot breakfast and coffee…day started looking better 🙂 This day  I saw for the first time what biking on the busy highway means. Despite wide shoulder, it was dangerous because of crazy truckers, not paying attention to the number of bikers killed each day 😛  The only once I wear my helmet! 🙂 I got rid of the highway I took a risk going to Bric National Park. I love these moments…when I am biking..reaching a corner or hill and..this breathtaking view appears in a front of me…this is the essence of bike touring or traveling overall. I said..took a risk…because the google map shows a tiny road in the park…but who knows what is it..turning back it would take additional time which I didn’t have. Anyway, the view was amazing. I was so happy I went there and explored this place.  Gorgeous beach, covered by huge stones; cottages, and hills…I found this microscopic road in the middle of a forest, thankfully suitable for biking 🙂 Riding was great but slow, so when I got to the paved road I decided to leave the park…yeah not that fast 😉 firstly I had to push my bike up to the crazy steep hill…the steepest I’ve  ever seen 🙂 I was on the way to Rimouski…hungry..angry Anna 😛  I had only one thought in my head: Tim Hortons…food 😉 I like Rimouski. It is a beautiful town with a long bayshore bike path. The sports store – my next point on the list “must visit:) Vacation without shopping?? No way!! 🙂 I had to buy warm clothes to survive Canadian weather! The fastest shopping in my life. Proud of myself and my another shiny idea, I asked a seller for pumping tires…now I know…not everybody knows how to do it! He didn’t have a proper pump, and released all air from the front tire! You don’t want to see my face at that moment, really! I gave him my little pump and he had to fix it! It was already pretty late, but charming weather and landscape…maybe even tailwind so I was pushing forward like a superman on a bike 🙂 I changed preliminary plans and went further to the stay at Annie Campsite…I had to…so nice name 😛 I got there late so almost missed the sunset, unfortunately. The campsite was lovely, many people with children, campers, tents and clean.  After setting a tent and having a quick dinner, I run to the beach…but it was too dark to take a good picture, unfortunately…

Pobudka jeszcze przed wschodem slonca…bo 8C to warunki stanowczo spaniu niesprzyjajace! Wyjscie z namiotu jeszcze gorsze. Cieple schronienie znalazlam w obozowej lazience, gdzie przez okolo godzine wertowalam internet szukajac miejsca na kolejna noca. Przerazalo mnie ponowne spanie w namiocie w tek niskiej temperaturze. Zmeczenie i zimno nie pomogalo myslec trzezwo. Na szczescie, czas plynal, slonce wzeszlo, a ja zjadlam gorace sniadanie, poczulam sie lepiej. Tego oto dnia po raz pierwszy poznalam uroki pedalowania na zatloczonej trasie szybkiego ruchu! To byl pierwszy…i w sumie ostatni dzien kiedy zalozylam kask 😛 Szaloni kierowcy ciezarowek, chyba nie zwracali uwagi na liczbe potraconych rowerzystow w ciagu dnia 😛 Postanowilam uciec z tej trasy, skrecajac do Parku du Bic i podejmujac ryzyko koniecznosci zawrocenia. Na google map znalazlam droge przebiegajaca przez park ale nie mialam pewnosci czy nadaje sie do jazdy i czy w ogole istnieje.  Po prostu uwielbiam te momenty kiedy jade, niczego nie swiadoma, i z za rogu wylania sie przepiekny krajobraz, zapierajacy dech w piersiach. Chyba wlasnie te momenty sa esencja podrozowania, szczegolnie takiego ktore bardzo meczy, jak jazda na rowerze. W jednej chwili wiadomo po co sie to robi i mimo ogromnego zmeczenia, jedzie sie dalej…Park du Bic…przepiekny..plaze pokryte kamsztorami, ogromnymi glazami; domki letniskowe…i gory…zrobily na mnie niesamowite wrazenie! Odnalazlam sciezke widziana na googlach. Na szczescie byla zdatna do jazdy i bardzo przyjemna 🙂 Droga niestety ubywala powowli, wiec gdy dotarlam do pierwszej asfatowej nawierzchni postanowilam wrocic na trase…ale nie nie tak szybko! Najpierw trzeba bylo wepchnac rower pod najbardziej troma gore jaka w zyciu widzialam! Udalo sie! Glodna…majac w glowie jedna mysl: Tim Hortson 😛 ruszylam w strone Rimouski! Od razu polubilam to miasto…nie..nie dlatego, ze maja Tim Hortson 😛 maja tez przepiekna sciezke rowerowa tuz przy wybrzezu i olsniewajace widoki! Moim kolejnym celem na liscie “musze odwiedzic” byl sklep sprtowy! Niezbedne bylo zaopatrzenie sie w cieple ciuchy! Poza tym co to za wakacje bez zakupow 😛 Przy okzaji zapytalam Pana sklepowego czy napompuje mi kola w rowerze….szkoda byloby nie wykorzystac takiej okazji 🙂 Pan niestety..raz, ze nie mial sensownej pompki…dwa, ze z pompowaniem tez bylo nienajlepiej. Posiadal za to duza pewnosc siebie. Zaczal od spuszczenia calego powietrza z przedniego kola! Nawet nie wyobrazacie sobie mojej miny! Dalam mu moja pompke, ktora byla o niebo lepsza od jego, i kazalam pompowac! Czas lecial, a do mojego pola namiotowego bylo jeszcze cale mnstwo kilometrow. Na szczescie zrobilo sie cieplo, a ja pchana przez wiatr pedzilam niczym supermen 😀 Tego dnia zmienilam nieco poczatkowe plany jadac dalej na polnoc Kanaday na Kamping Ani 🙂 Nazwa byla zachecajaca. Dojecham dosc pozno, ale miejsce okazalo sie bardzo sympatyczne podobnie jak ludzie, ktorych tam spotkalam. W ostatnim momencie pobieglam na plaze zobaczyc zachod slonca…ale na ladne zdjecia bylo juz za pozno 😦





Short movie from my trip

The only one movie I made on my big trip…after a few tries…I gave up…saving my life…. I need more practice of biking and making movies the same time…otherwise is easy to die under tracks wheels 😛  or maybe I need a better equipment and skills 😛 🙂

Jedyny filmik jaki nakrecilam podczas mojej wprawy…uznalam, ze krecenie filmikow i jazda na rowerze, w moim przypadku nie ida w parza 😛 Nastepnym razem przgotuje lepszy sprzet i popracuje nad technika 🙂

Wolf trial in Gatineau Park


I am lucky living close to Gatineau Park ( It is a big advantage of Ottawa or Gatineau in comparison e.g to Toronto  Gatineau Park is a  huge, 361 square km area.  The main entrance is situated around 5 min of walk from my home 🙂 It is a great place for outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, cross-country skiing and many others. Became a home for black bears, white-tailed deer, beavers, wolves and countless kinds of birds like turkey vulture or hawks.  I wish to see a bear…but still nothing 😦 I decided to explore this place more. For instance, during the winter I tried fat biking, the latest novelty in the Park. I hope I will repeat this experience in December! Anyway, the end of the summer seems to be a right time for hiking. Gatineau Park includes many delineated trials both for summer and winter hiking! I choose the Wolf Trial. It is 8.4 km long and loop shaped path located 25 km from my apartment. I got there by my commuter bike (hybrid Giant). I left it safely for a few hours attached to a bike rack at a neighboring beach and started walking. The trial was admirable. Deep green trees and path made from huge stones…were impressive. I met a few people on the way, teenagers, families with a little baby, what surprised me. Two view points worked well as a break and snack time spots. Luckily, it was raining only while I was biking, especially on the way back…hmm it was an actual storm. My hiking shoes became so heavy of water that pedaling was difficult.  The water just poured out when I took them off  🙂 That was fun!

Park Gatineau to ogromny, obejmujacy 361 km kwadratowych teren, a jego glowne wejscie usytuowane jest cale 5 min od mojego domu! Niewatpliewie stanowi on dom dla wielu zwierzat jak czarnych niedzwiedzi, wilkow, bobrow, a takze niezliczonej liczby ptakow. Zdarza sie, ze niedzwiadki wychodza z lasu i pojawiaja sie w okolicy gdzie mieszkam, ale jeszcze zadnego nie spotkalam. Park Gaineau to miejsce z wytyczonymi sciezkami do pieszych wedrowek zarowno zima jak i latem. Przygototwywane sa sciezki do nart biegowych, a w ostatnich latach popularnoscia cieszy sie kolarstwo gorskie i tzw. fat biking, ktorego probowalam zeszlej zimy. Wrzesien wydaje sie idealnym czasem na piesze wedrowki dlatego wybralam jeden z dostepnych szlakow, Wolf Trial. Jest to 8,5 km sciezka w ksztalcie  petli, polozona 25 km od mojego domu. Zadna komunikacja komunikajca miejska tam nie dociera, a ja nie posiadam jeszcza auta. Zabralam wiec na przejazdzke moj rower miejski (Giant hybrid). Powinnam wspomniec, ze przy kazdym szlaku znajduje sie parking samochodowy, a przy Wolf Trial byl nawet stojak rowerowy nalezacy do pobliskiej plazy (a przy kazdej plazy sa prysznice i toalety…). Przypielam rower do stojaka i zaczelam wedrowke. Po drodze spotkalam kilka osob, nastolatki i rodziny z dziecmi, a nawet z niemowlakiem w nosidelku co mnie zaskoszylo. Szlak byl urokliwy, soczyste kolory drzew i roslin oraz kamieniste podloze, czasem przypominajace Goloborze Swietokrzyskie. Dwa punkty widokowe stanowily swietne miejsce na odpoczynek i przekaske. Szczesliwie deszcz padl tylko w czasie jazdy na rowerze…szczegolnie w drodze powrotnej. Moje buty wspinaczkowe byly tak nasiakniete woda, ze ciezko bylo pedalowac. Nigdy w zyciu nie mialam tak przemoczonych butow…ale I tak bylo super!


Ania On The Way to Adventure


True Tiger Recordings


Journal - Bike Wanderer


Everyday Adam
